Friday, August 05, 2005

From the bottom of my heart, Thank You.

As I logged into the net to check on my mails, I received a very lovely email from a blogger. A person whom I never met and never once we chatted on the msn or through the phone. She gave me a lovely note that truthfully, brighten my day. I am truly touched by the act. Of course, to the rest whom have also sms, email and gave me greeting cards. These bloggers are so wonderful. They made me strong and gave me the courage to carry on with my virtual world..hehe.. With all these gestures, they manage to put tears in my eyes. I am truly, truly touched. Especially with this particular email. It made me cry and very thankful for all the paths that I have walked and am walking on. For I may loose everything in the world but there is always this particular someone and something which will make me say to myself it is worth living for. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the Email. Juz wud like to share something tat i found at one webbie very the touching one..hope tis wud make you feel better yah.. Ketahuilah OlehMU .... Jika kau merasa lelah dan tak berdaya dari usaha yang sepertinya sia-sia.. Allah SWT tahu betapa keras engkau sudah berusaha. Ketika kau sudah menangis sekian lama dan hatimu masih terasa pedih... Allah SWT sudah menghitung airmatamu. Jika kau pikir bahwa hidupmu sedang menunggu sesuatu dan waktu terasa berlalu begitu saja... Allah SWT sedang menunggu untuk bersama denganmu. Ketika kau merasa sendirian dan teman-temanmu terlalu sibuk untuk menelepon... Allah SWT selalu berada disampingmu. Ketika kau pikir bahwa kau sudah mencoba segalanya dan tidak tahu hendak berbuat apa lagi... Allah SWT punya jawabannya. Ketika segala sesuatu menjadi tidak masuk akal dan kau merasa tertekan... Allah SWT dapat menenangkanmu. Jika tiba-tiba kau dapat melihat jejak-jejak harapan... Allah SWT sedang berbisik kepadamu. Ketika segala sesuatu berjalan lancar dan kau merasa ingin mengucap syukur... Allah SWT telah memberkatimu. Ketika sesuatu yang indah terjadi dan kau dipenuhi ketakjuban... Allah SWT telah tersenyum padamu. Ketika kau memiliki tujuan untuk dipenuhi dan mimpi untuk digenapi... Allah SWT sudah membuka matamu dan memanggilmu dengan namamu. Ingat bahwa dimanapun kau atau kemanapun kau menghadap... Allah SWT TAHU ....... Dari Abdullah bin 'Amr r.a., Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda, Sampaikanlah pesanku biarpun satu ayat... To you, you know who you are, thank you for the email, it made me feel much much better. Also to another blogger, who came over to my house and you know what you did for me, thank so so much. To my lovely blogger sisters, thank you for constantly smsing me and calling me up to see if I am ok, thank you so much. To all the other bloggers that have smsed, emailed me and send greeting cards, thank you so much. To bloggers who came to msn, making me feel better without having to really know what really had happened, thank you so much. To bloggers who tagged me and gave me their well wishes, thank you so much. To my lovely friends, thank you too. Thank you so very much for everything, everyone. The best thing about all this ordeal, it made me realised again, that ALLAH is so great and wonderful. He made me go through a bad pathway( a path which I chose on my own and made my very own mistake) but then this path lead me to a better place and made me learned from it to be a better person, wiser as well. To this, YA ALLAH, KAULAH KEKASIH KU, KAULAH NADIKU. I'm lost without you. Syukur ALHAMDULLILLAH.

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