Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Fantastic Four Not So Fantastic..

It has been a "Feverish " weekend. Hectic and chaotic for me. The fever season is in. The family of four is not so fantastic, as we are undergoing massive bad fever weather. Hubby is battling with his asthma. Pity my darling hubby bunny. While the other three babies(Me, the baby ganyut, and my two baby bunnies), are going through the bouts of fever, flu and cough. Went to the doctor and medications have been prescribed. Everyone, except me, in this house seems to be in a drowsy stupor. I, on the other hand, am only armoured with panadol extra and orange not so nice flavoured lozenges. I cannot afford to get drunk with the proper doctor's prescribtions as I need to cater and be there for my bunnies. My mom was indeed glad to take on the position of a nanny and nurse us, especially the two boys, but being a mother myself and a wife, I can never sleep away to quench my drowsy self after forcefully swallowing down few tablespoons of meds and be in a sleep nirvana knowing that my family is going through these cloudy fever moments. I rather be sick, no matter how worse it is going to be for me, but stay and put up a strong, mighty me, withstand whatever condition of my own, to nurse and cater to everyone of them. I rather do everything myself. That will then ease my conscience that my babies are being taken care off. That will bring me to peace no matter how unpeaceful my throat and body seems to be. The only time that I allow myself to get drunk and topsy- turvy, is when night falls and everyone is fast asleep. Even so, I am under the task of waking up when the alarm buzzed off, as it is due for the babies to take their medicines. A wife will always be a wife and a mother will always be a mother! The self-instincts of the two. Selfish for oneself but never for the others that matters to you. Once you have taken up the job, you will easily be carried away with the title. True, No? Anyways, what a tidal fever waves! and the battle that the fantastic four have to wage. It is not going to be easy but, I will be the ring leader and Insya ALLAH, with the help of ALLAH the Almigthy, make sure everything goes back to normal horse galloping, baby fights and boisterous laughing days. And when that happens, I will get drunk and sleep away.. It is then, my time to be nursed and showered with endless attention. Heh! Do pray for my strength and that we will soon be on our normal wheels of life. *time to check on their temperature* Take care everyone and have a good feverish week..hehehehe.. *psssttt Trina, you've heard me or should I say barely heard me?..rabak kan aku???..*wails*..*

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